English version
Torinese d'adozione, figlio di artigiano, cresciuto a pane, ferro e disegno tecnico, ho mosso le mie prime squadrette nel mondo della carpenteria. Durante gli studi, fra una spiegazione e una interrogazione, il mio quadernino a quadretti sfornava già costruttivi di scale, recinzioni e cancelli. I pomeriggi e le estati passati in officina fornivano la giuste dose di praticità indispensabile al buon progettista.
Torinese d'adozione, figlio di artigiano, cresciuto a pane, ferro e disegno tecnico, ho mosso le mie prime squadrette nel mondo della carpenteria. Durante gli studi, fra una spiegazione e una interrogazione, il mio quadernino a quadretti sfornava già costruttivi di scale, recinzioni e cancelli. I pomeriggi e le estati passati in officina fornivano la giuste dose di praticità indispensabile al buon progettista.
Approdato nel mondo del lavoro, l'impiantistica mi strappa quasi subito dalle braccia della carpenteria, e per me si apre un mondo nuovo.
Prima l'esperienza nell'ufficio tecnico di una azienda, a stretto contatto con cantiere e officina, e poi in uno studio di progettazione professionale, fra computer e cataloghi. Ad oggi sono ormai 15 anni che lavoro nel campo dell’impiantistica termotecnica.
Ho maturato esperienze significative nei campi della progettazione e
del disegno in tutte le loro fasi, preliminare, definitivo, esecutivo e
costruttivo. Ho affrontato decine di progetti molto diversi fra loro che mi
hanno permesso di spaziare nei più vari campi dell’impiantistica, dagli ospedali
alle Metropolitane, dall’impianto antincendio per centrali elettriche
all’impiantino VRV del piccolo laboratorio, dagli alberghi alle residenze
private, e poi autorimesse, casinò, palazzetti del ghiaccio, edifici storici,
piscine, linee ferroviarie ad alta velocità, centri elaborazione dati,
università, impianti di aggottamento… sia
in Italia che all’estero.
I primi anni passati a toccar con mano gli impianti, hanno permesso di crearmi un bagaglio tecnico/pratico che le università ti negano, piccole accortezze che mi hanno consentito di evitare errori che molti neolaureati compiono puntualmente.
A questo si unisce il grande spirito di osservazione quasi maniacale che mi caratterizza. Ovunque vado, se c'è un impianto a portata d'occhio, osservo, pondero e immagazzino, e quasi sempre poi mi torna utile in qualche commessa.
Ho dato a questo lavoro metà della mia vita, ci ho investito
tempo, denaro e soprattutto passione, ho sempre pensato e sostenuto che un
lavoro fatto bene paga, e che anche l’occhio, e quindi nel nostro campo la
grafica, vuole la sua parte.
Purtroppo però ho imparato che la realtà italiana è ben diversa... ma questa è un'altra storia.
English version (this translation may contain mistakes, my English isn't perfect, please, appreciate the effort!)
I'm a Turinse by adoption, a craftsman's child; I grew up living and breathing iron and technical drawing, and then moved my first set squares in the carpentry world. During my studies I was already making my first detail drawings of stairs, gates and fences. The afternoons and summers spent in the workshop gave me the correct amount of practise necessary to the good designer.
After having landed in the job world, plant engineering tore me almost immediately from the field of carpentry, and a new world opened up for me.
First came the experience in the technical office of a company, in close contact with yard and workshop, and then in a professional design studio, among computers and catalogs. To date are I have been working in the the field of thermodynamics plant design for 15 years.
I have gained significant experience in the fields of design and drawing in all their stages - preliminary, definitive, esecutive and installation. I have dealt with dozens of very different projects that have allowed me to wander in the most various fields of plant design, from Hospitals to Subways, from Electrical Plant Fire Fighting Systems to small VRV Systems, from Hotels to Residential Buildings, and on to Garages, Casinos, Ice Arenas, Historical Buildings, Swimming Pools, High Speed Railway lines, Data Processing Centers, Universities, Bailing Systems... both in Italy and abroad.
The early years working hands on on the plants, have allowed to create the technical/practical knoledge that you can't get at university, that small shrewdness that has enabled me to avoid the mistakes that many new graduates unfailingly make.
This is combined with the great and almost maniacal spirit of observation that characterizes me. Everywhere I go, if there is a plant on view, I observe, ponder, store the information, and it almost always comes in handy in some work.
English version (this translation may contain mistakes, my English isn't perfect, please, appreciate the effort!)
I'm a Turinse by adoption, a craftsman's child; I grew up living and breathing iron and technical drawing, and then moved my first set squares in the carpentry world. During my studies I was already making my first detail drawings of stairs, gates and fences. The afternoons and summers spent in the workshop gave me the correct amount of practise necessary to the good designer.
After having landed in the job world, plant engineering tore me almost immediately from the field of carpentry, and a new world opened up for me.
First came the experience in the technical office of a company, in close contact with yard and workshop, and then in a professional design studio, among computers and catalogs. To date are I have been working in the the field of thermodynamics plant design for 15 years.
I have gained significant experience in the fields of design and drawing in all their stages - preliminary, definitive, esecutive and installation. I have dealt with dozens of very different projects that have allowed me to wander in the most various fields of plant design, from Hospitals to Subways, from Electrical Plant Fire Fighting Systems to small VRV Systems, from Hotels to Residential Buildings, and on to Garages, Casinos, Ice Arenas, Historical Buildings, Swimming Pools, High Speed Railway lines, Data Processing Centers, Universities, Bailing Systems... both in Italy and abroad.
The early years working hands on on the plants, have allowed to create the technical/practical knoledge that you can't get at university, that small shrewdness that has enabled me to avoid the mistakes that many new graduates unfailingly make.
This is combined with the great and almost maniacal spirit of observation that characterizes me. Everywhere I go, if there is a plant on view, I observe, ponder, store the information, and it almost always comes in handy in some work.
I have given this job half of my life, I have invested in it time, money and above all passion, I have always thought and claimed that a work well done pays and that you also need to catch the eye (as far as the graphics in our field go).
Unfortunately, I have learned that the Italian situation is quite different... but this is another story.
Unfortunately, I have learned that the Italian situation is quite different... but this is another story.
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